Is It Time To Pack Before Moving? 3 Mistakes Moving Companies Can Help You Avoid

Finding friends who love packing when moving house is almost impossible. Packing is an art that requires proper planning and preparation to ensure everything goes right. Otherwise, even the slightest packing mistakes can ruin your whole moving experience. Therefore, it is important to understand the steps to take and mistakes to avoid and work with professionals to ease the process. So, what mistakes are you making when packing, and why do you need a professional moving company? [Read More]

4 Packing Tips So That You Do Not Damage Your Items

There is a bit more to packing than just putting your belongings into boxes. You want to make sure that your items get to their destination without being broken or damaged. These tips will help you with packing things the right way.  Double Box Really Delicate Items Have fine china that you are transporting to your new home? Consider double boxing these really delicate items. Once items have been wrapped individually and secured in a box, you should put that box into a larger box with plenty of packing paper or bubble wrap surrounding it. [Read More]